In the past few days, we've nearly doubled our posted listings of Used Yard Ramps and added one-third more listings to our Yard Ramp Rentals.
You really can't top Yogi Berra's comment: "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." So, let me humbly add a bit of perspective.
To be sure: The Yard Ramp Guy rents, sells, and buys new and used yard ramps throughout the United States.
The Yard Ramp Guy is very pleased to welcome Eric Aguilera, our newest team member, as our Rental and "Sell-Your-Ramp" Coordinator.
Yard Ramp Guy, like Santa, delivering from Portland to Atlanta, new & used ramps for sale & rental, helping businesses in a way elemental.
As we turn the page on this tumultuous year, here are some of the more notable projects in which The Yard Ramp Guy was involved.
If we told you that you could write off your purchase of new equipment, saving thousands of dollars, would you be interested?
Ready for Their Close-Ups: What continually amazes us is the geography in which we discover our yard ramps placed into service.