‘Twas days before New Year’s, when all through the show
all the workers were stirring, especially the CEO.
The pallets were stacked by the bay door with care
in hopes that freight loading soon would be there.
Yet the forklifts were idle, though the batteries weren’t dead,
with team members slacking, full of holiday cake, well fed.
And the foreman was twiddling his thumbs: this was no mishap,
as he stared from the bay to the ground at the four-foot gap.
When out on the roadway there rose such a ruckus,
that the company jumped to see what was the rumpus.
Even old Elmer, for years hard of hearing,
pushed aside the burly guys to gander through the clearing.
The December sun on the pavement below
focused a light on a delivery of steel, all aglow.
They thought, “Yes, this is the way to get out of the room
and keep us from meeting yet again via Zoom!”
There on the flatbed, now parked in the lot:
the shimmering yard ramp they had just bought.
Absolutely nobody now was taking a nap
as they admired the yard ramp with a 20K-pound cap.
It was 84 inches wide, it was 36 feet long,
constructed with all steel frame and deck to make it strong.
What’s this? Why, four solid rubber profile tires⏤how noble:
just what they needed to make the ramp mobile.
What’s that? A double-acting hydraulic pump, you say?
Quite the thing to align with our bay.
And more: safety chains for safety, which proves
a great partner to the ramp clamp, you know, for the moves.
And there, complete: The Yard Ramp Guy, like Santa,
organizing deliveries from Portland to Atlanta,
of new and used ramps for sale and for rental,
helping businesses in a way elemental.
New ramps from QMH and Mid-State and Bluff
guaranteed to get the team off its collective duff.
Don’t have time or tools to set it up? Oh, my. Oh, me.
No worries. The Yard Ramp Guy has services of turnkey.
Yes, they’re new or they’re used, these quality yard ramps,
smoothly helping American industries perform like champs.
And for an extra measure, beyond top-notch production,
you can take advantage of a special tax deduction.
With great relief, we bid the year 2020 adieu
and hope that 2021 brings peace with something new…
Like a fantastic loading dock. G’head, give it a try.
Happy New Year to you, from The Yard Ramp Guy.

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