
“If you’re not on the Internet, you don’t exist.”

Even though we know this isn’t true—your local locksmith and the mom-and-pop grocery store probably don’t have a website—that’s exactly the perception people have in our speeded-up age of instant information.

While we’re located just outside of Chicago, our business scope is national and our customer base is literally coast to coast. So, our website serves very much as our business card, our brochure, and our catalogue.

The Virtual Yard Ramp Guy

(Yes, we’re just old enough to remember when the arrival of the Sears, Roebuck & Company catalogue in the mail was a big deal in our house.)

We continue to spend a lot of time on strategy and optimization of our website. Much of this happens “under the hood”—say, installing virtual widgets to speed up page load times, updating safety features to keep the hackers at bay, and honoring Google’s ever-changing algorithms.

And much of these changes are forward-facing: what everybody sees on our site pages and how they see them are very important to us.

We want to draw your attention to some of these highlights to give you a taste of continual adjustments—big and small—we’re making to assure your smooth search for the best portable loading dock option from our inventory.

The Phone Number.

We place our 888.977.4224 prominently and frequently throughout the website. And for at least two good reasons: we, um, like talking on the phone, and our phone conversations with you are an essential part of the process toward assuring that information is as precise as humanly possible.

Where the pen gave way to the typewriter and the typewriter gave way to the computer, the computer has given way to the mouse and the finger, especially on smartphones and tablets. With that in mind, we’ve made each instance of our phone number clickable: tap the number and your cellphone will call us.

Tap & Call

Ramp Condition.

Both for clarity and for transparency, every one of our Rental and Used yard ramp listings now includes a tabbed description of the ramp’s condition.

Nothing Less Than Good


Somehow, word and picture combinations on the Internet—like a page from a graphic novel—are all the rage now. Your local subway and bus map? That’s an infographic.

This year, we begin our series of informative infographics. Our inaugural posting covers how we work as a brokerage to help you sell your yard ramp.

Info in a Graphic

Live Locator Map.

We refresh our locator map consistently to provide our prospective customers with the most up-to-date information on our yard ramp locations throughout the United States. The map includes easily clickable tabs that pinpoint our Used and Rental inventory and trusted manufacturing locations. Click within those popups to go directly to detailed specifications and photos of that particular listing.

We find the map so useful that we’ve embedded it on the Home Page in addition to its dedicated Live Locator Map page.



Well, McCoy Fields . . .let’s E-mphasize the alphabet challenge:

Earlier people used to switch on TV’s after getting bored with their routine work. Now they switch on to routine work after getting bored with TV.B.J. Gupta