2020: The Year, The Vision

“When the wise man points to the stars, the idiot looks at his finger.”
—Chinese Proverb
We don’t have a pithy proverb to match five thousand years of Chinese tradition. That said, and with all due respect to that proverb, which we like a lot, maybe the wise man could find an alternate way to get the idiot to look to the stars. Something simple, like saying, “Hey, look up at those stars.”
That way, the wise man would look all the wiser, and the other guy would be able to share a view of the stars. Just saying.
At The Yard Ramp Guy, we believe there are lessons to be learned from everyone. In our industry, the details are essential. That’s why we spend time asking questions:
- About your business.
- About your loading dock and its height and width.
- About the gravel or asphalt or concrete composition of your loading area.
- About the maneuverability around your property of an 84-inch wide, 30-foot long, 6,000-pound yard ramp.
- About your ability or willingness to unload and/or set up a yard ramp, if need be.
It’s all in the details. We learn from our customers, our vendors, our manufacturers, and our associates. We like the learning, yes. More importantly, we need to learn. Call it The Yard Ramp Guy’s perpetual enrollment in continuing education.
It’s been an intense 2019. With all the challenges, we like the directions the business has taken. We appreciate the positive feedback and customer testimonials. We respect the industry. We’re optimistic about the prospects for growth — both The Yard Ramp Guy’s and the nation’s — as we turn to the Roaring 20s.
Give us a call. We’d love to learn from you.
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To our customers, vendors, associates, and industry colleagues,
we wish you a happy, healthy New Year.

Click HERE to read McCoy’s musings.