Our Thanks for Giving Us Your Business

Just as we are judged by the questions we ask, The Yard Ramp Guy is also judged by how we respond to the problems our customers encounter.

upAnyone can conduct a transaction right. To us, the key to superb customer service is in how we handle the needs of our customers when they experience a problem, regardless of how that problem originated.

Not everyone is willing to match their customer’s sense of urgency. The Yard Ramp Guy campaigns to do just that.

Let’s say a prospect is in a big hurry and needs a yard ramp quicker than can be produced. We try to get him his yard ramp as soon as possible, even if it means doing something not particularly convenient or cost-effective for us.

Foremost for us: Our customer has a challenge that needs to be met within a reasonable expectation of cost. We want to perform in a manner that earns their referral consideration down the road. In this scenario, they know who’s going to take care of them. And so, portable loading dock customer service is paramount.

If they say no, we say, We’ll do business when the time is right; that time is not right now. It’s not a rejection; it simply wasn’t the right time.

Sometimes we don’t have the right solution. When they have a need that we do offer, then we’ll do business.

The Yard Ramp Guy wants the business, of course. The difference is that we want the business conducted the right way.