The Latest on Our Recent Topics
Improving Your Tax Situation
Our friendly reminder: The Section 179 Deduction allows you to deduct the full cost of your qualifying equipment purchased or financed during the tax year. (Yes, this would include our quality yard ramps.)
With the IRS raising the cap to $500,000 for 2016, this may very well help your financial bottom line this year.
A couple of caveats here. We’re The Yard Ramp Guy, not the Tax Expert Guy, and so we strongly recommend you consult with your CFO or accountant to determine your particular situation.
And time is of the essence. You must obtain and put the equipment into service by December 31st to take the deduction. Our countdown clock can help you tick down the days, hours, minutes, seconds…
Simple Machines, Complex World
A few weeks ago, we profiled our man McCoy Fields, official Yard Ramp Guy licensee, and his admiration for “simple machines,” those essential inventions that have built and sustained civilizations. The Ramp is on McCoy’s list of what he calls Great Things.
Along with the lever, the pulley, and the wheel, cultures large and small have employed the ramp as a vital way to move things between two points.
With a bit of detective work, we discovered the angle of friction: the maximum angle that a load can remain motionless on an inclined plane without sliding.
So, there’s a reason why one of our most commonly sold and rented ramps has a length of 36 feet. Ends up that angle is “equal to the arctangent of the coefficient of static friction between the surfaces.”
With that, we officially call out to McCoy to explain the arctangent in a way that won’t give us indigestion. (McCoy, if it helps: the angle of friction is also called the “angle of repose,” which sounds a lot like how you position yourself on weekends.)
Speaking of repose, we hope all of our customers, colleagues, vendors, and business associates had a healthy and happy Thanksgiving weekend.
Well, McCoy Fields . . . it’s never too late to talk turkey: