Our Year-End Songs
(to the tune of “The Star Spangled Banner”)
O! say can you see by our Dawn’s early work,
Ramps so proudly we sell in the market, price leading.
With broad width and long length there is no quirk,
O’er the yard ramps we’ve watch’d, our clients so gallantly needing?
And the forklifts tread there, on serrated grating, mon frère,
Gave proof through the shift that your load’s safe, no prayer;
O! say does that Yard Ramp Guy delivery yet save
On Time and money for your needs: (bring it home) you will rave!
(to the tune of “Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!”)
Oh, the pallet dump is frightful
All that inventory, unsightful
And since it has no place to camp
Let it ramp, let it ramp, let it ramp
It doesn’t show signs of stopping
This backlog of merch is dropping
The CFO’s abacus has a cramp
Let it ramp, let it ramp, let it ramp
Well, they delivered and turnkeyed, all right!
How we’ll love going above the norm
And if we really show our might
Around our brand the others will swarm
The year is quickly straying
But we have an inclined plane, just saying.
And it’s acting just like a champ
Let it ramp, let it ramp, let it ramp
From The Ramp Rules Blog:
We take a moment to wish all our customers, vendors, and friends a happy and a healthy 2025.
And shining the way forward is the force of nature known to us as McCoy Fields, last of the Renaissance men and the best pitchman for any company, ever. This week, McCoy digs up an archive entry to close out the year. And that year was 2015. Which shows how timeless he still is. Click HERE to read.