Leading the Industry in a New Way

The Yard Ramp Guy proudly announces our latest innovation: We now have in-stock, ready-to-go inventory, available for immediate delivery.
This stock is a natural next step in the relationships we’ve established and grown over the years with our trusted manufacturers, informed by clear, honest communication and mutual trust.
We’ll phase in this arm of our sales in three geographic stages⏤Central, Eastern, and Western United States. Our Central U.S. sales component is stocked (and actively selling!), with a selection of mobile hydraulic yard ramps and stationary dock ramps.
Your advantages are threefold:
- Save Money on Cost. The Yard Ramp Guy’s pricing is among the lowest in the nation.
- Fast Delivery. With this new inventory in stock, you could literally place your order Monday, pay us Tuesday, and receive your yard ramp as early as Wednesday.
- Save Money on Freight. With our yard ramps more geographically distributed, you’re likely to find shipping locations much closer to your business.

For example: our Central United States region includes four central depots⏤La Salle, IL; Platte City, MO; Toledo, OH; and Longview, TX.
As you’ll see on the accompanying map, a 250-mile radius around each of those locations covers parts or most of 18 states.
That 250-mile radius translates into reduced delivery times and lower freight cost for your company.
As we soon launch our in-stock inventory at strategically located depots in the East and West coast regions, we’ll soon have a vast majority of the country covered with accessibility, timeliness, and price point on new yard ramps.
This is all a natural extension, and terrific layering on top of our industry-leading sales and rentals of used mobile yard ramps and stationary dock ramps, which already has our inventory positioned within 250 miles of 90% of the U.S. population.
Stay tuned for more exciting details.
Note: As an essential business, The Yard Ramp Guy is listed in ThomasNet’s COVID-19 Response Supplier guide.

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