We've long said that the two best days of an owner’s life are the day they bought the business and the day they sold it.
In 1971, FedEx was founded, "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" was released, and Bill Coleman purchased a magnesium forklift ramp.
How effective is Craigslist? Read The Yard Ramp Guy's blog post on the advantages and disadvantages of buying and selling yard ramps on Craigslist.
Companies move to different locations frequently. Their operations may require a different yard ramp configuration. Or no yard ramp at all. When those situations arise, consider our Yard Ramp Cash-Back Program as one of your options for liquidating your ramp and converting the steel into cash.
Questions & Answers for the Seller’s Market The Yard Ramp Guy: Partnership From the beginning, we decided to partner with [...]
A Curated FAQ Selection Yard Ramp Guy: The Difference By experience, it’s through our conversations with you that we create [...]
If You’re Unloading, We’re Interested. We know all sorts of reasons why businesses need or want to sell their yard [...]