• We've long said that the two best days of an owner’s life are the day they bought the business and the day they sold it.

  • In 1971, FedEx was founded, "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" was released, and Bill Coleman purchased a magnesium forklift ramp.

  • How effective is Craigslist? Read The Yard Ramp Guy's blog post on the advantages and disadvantages of buying and selling yard ramps on Craigslist.

  • Companies move to different locations frequently. Their operations may require a different yard ramp configuration. Or no yard ramp at all. When those situations arise, consider our Yard Ramp Cash-Back Program as one of your options for liquidating your ramp and converting the steel into cash.

  • Questions & Answers for the Seller’s Market The Yard Ramp Guy: Partnership From the beginning, we decided to partner with [...]

  • A Curated FAQ Selection Yard Ramp Guy: The Difference By experience, it’s through our conversations with you that we create [...]

  • If You’re Unloading, We’re Interested. We know all sorts of reasons why businesses need or want to sell their yard [...]