Filling Requirements with Sturdy Options

You have a full loading bay, prepped for your next big shipment, ready for both loading and off-loading. It’s a one-a-year or twice-a-year experience (say, seasonal order fulfillment).
A rental of a portable loading dock may well be the most practical and most economic choice for your business operations.
Whether for a very short-term period or for a longer stretch of time, let’s explore two main advantages to the rental scenario.
A Cost-Effective Alternative.
The price of purchase for a standard new yard ramp with the most common range of specifications is typically between six and 15 thousand dollars. (Yes, the price of steel—and steel yard ramps—will soon rise throughout the United States, affecting multiple industries, ours among them). Budget constraints might point to the rental of a yard ramp instead of a purchase.
Other factors here might include your ability to avoid interest charges on any financing of a new yard ramp purchase. And consider the length of the rental agreement: most often, your monthly payment will be more attractive for longer rental periods.
Kicking the Tires.
Better to rent? Better to own? That’s completely your decision. The Yard Ramp Guy team will be more than happy to lend advice, based on our professional instincts and experiences with customer situations similar to yours.
If you are not quite willing or needing to commit to a purchase, a short-term rental is a simple and useful way to gauge whether or not it meets your needs.
Keep in mind that you can have it both ways: if you and your team determine that the yard ramp provides workhorse value to your operations, we’ll readily discuss turning your rental into a purchase.
Yes, McCoy Fields . . .a Jaudacious quotation for you this week: