Mobile Yard Ramp Shipping Options

The Yard Ramp Guy proudly offers comprehensive service for your yard ramp needs, and this includes delivery. While that may seem expected and obvious, the specific kind of transport we arrange can affect factors of price and delivery time.

With rare exception, we nearly always arrange transport via flatbed vehicles, which are safer and more practical than container trucks—and are factory recommended. There are three main versions in that universe, and this week we delve into the Landoll flatbed. 

rgn2Like the lowboy, the Landoll attaches with a gooseneck to the back of a road tractor. Where the lowboy has two dips—front and back—into the containing platform, the Landoll has one slight elevation from its front platform down to the flat central platform.

The Landoll is also distinguished by its winch at the front end, which lifts the platform (usually with hydraulics) to tilt the back end to the ground so that we’re able to wheel on and wheel off the yard ramp.

In this way, the process does not require a forklift for placement or removal. Fewer machines involved typically means that we’ll require less time to execute pickup and delivery.

Landolls are built in varying degrees of sophistication. Some have wireless remotes to streamline the tilt of the flatbed, and some actually roll the flatbed’s wheels forward and back to enable the tilt.

Next week, we’ll conclude our series with the step deck flatbed.